Innovation Safari

Barcelona – Exponential Smartcity Innovation PDF - wed, 20th november - 5 hours


Discover all the key elements to create an exponential business or new venture related to SmartCities.

Visit main exhibitors and startups in a guided tour inside Barcelona Smartcity World Expo with our Innovation Guides..

Experience innovation like never before.

#Exponential Innovation
#Smartcity World Congress

During this half-day innovation safari in Barcelona you will explore unique innovation inside the Smartcity Expo World Congress to open your mind to new perspectives.

You will enjoy a networking tour with innovators, startups and other explorers like you.

During the safari you will discover the key attributes of Exponential Organizations using the concepts and ideas experienced during the tour to the congress.

This is a unique opportunity to experience innovation like never before discovering top innovation ideas in Barcelona.

Our expert innovation guides will lead you to:

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