Portfolio - How to Overcome the Covid-19 Tsunami with powerful technology?
These exciting times present endless possibilities of how humans can shape the future for the better. We are thrilled to present the "How to surf the Covid-19 tsunami with powerful technology?" reinvent safari, in which we will discover how living innovators gathered during Covid-19 and created new businesses powered by technologies, such as 3D printing, PCR robotics, UV-C robotics, digital, fake news, etc.
This reinvent safari consists of 5 independent days; meaning that you have the chance to join us as many days as you wish according to your personal and work availability. During these days you will discover at first hand the shared experience of our sherpas and you will design the future of these technologies for your own business. You will learn and ideate about opportunities of the Covid Health landscape.
"How to surf the Covid-19 tsunami with powerful technology?" Safari includes the following sessions:
- Day 1 - 3D Printing Future Design
- Day 2 - Robots for PCRs
- Day 3 - Robots and UV-C
- Day 4 - Digital Connections
- Day 5 (morning) - Fake Health News
- Day 5 (afternoon) - Engagement Workshop